Sunday, January 23, 2005
Aquarium Stand
I found plans on the Internet for an aquarium stand for my 55 gallon tank. I must give thanks to this guy for making these plans available. Anyway- I've had the basic structure of the stand built for quite some time... I just never could get the time to get out there and finish the thing. Yesterday, I finally did it! So hopefully by the end of today, I'll tear down the tank and get it put in place on the stand. I have to move another tank out of the way first, and paint the trim behind where it'll go- Then I have to empty the 55 and get it moved... Should make for a fun day today.
Anyway- here's the stand:

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Rediscovering E-bay
I've decided to go back to selling some things on E-bay...
It's been quite awhile since I've sold anything on there, and everything has changed! I hate that! It took me a couple of days to get everything figured out again, and I finally got one whole thing up for sale! I have boxes and bags worth of useless crap around the house, and this is all I've done so far....
I swear, sometimes I really do live by my motto-
"I was going to procrastinate, but I just kept putting it off until later"
Anyway- go bid on the stupid ugly birdhouse my ex-mother in law gave me long ago...
I wonder how much I could actually make if I get all the crap that I want to listed on there? It always drives me nuts... the things that I would think would sell don't, and the things I think nobody would want end up going for big bucks.... go figure. I guess people really do like useless crap.
Anyway- I'm babbling today for no reason about nothing... I guess that's a good place to call this post DONE.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
I love this picture....
Here's a spot I pass every day at lunch time.....
Somebody wanted to make sure the got their feelings on vadalism heard?

World's ugliest wallpaper
When we moved in to this house back in June, we were blessed by the previous owners with the gift of the world's ugliest wallpaper. What on Earth could posses somebody to put something like this on their walls????? It boggles the mind. I'd get dizzy every time I walked into the room- Luckily, they didn't do a very good job putting it up.... a little warm water from a spray bottle and it peeled right off. I just seriously question the sanity of these people....
Anyway- check it out and let me know if you have seen worse...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Welcome to my little world....
Hello.... I figured I'd put this place up for my own personal entertainment... you're welcome to browse around all you like...
I'm John- recently married to the woman of my dreams- Just bought a new house about 6 months ago- And we are finally starting to do some improvements to it...
First off, we just painted the dining room
I think the colors came out great- The trim work will be olive green... not quite finished with that part yet.
Here's a before and after pic of the built-in:
What a difference a little paint can make!
Here's a shot of the painting we picked up at the starving artist sale....
I think it really pops against the wall color.
We have been looking for a milk can for a long time.... we ran across this one over the weekend and had to have it:
What else have we been up to you ask? Well... Christmas just passed... here's a few projects we did for that:
This is a bench I made for my dad:
And here's a little flowerpot train we made:
I guess that'll wrap it up for now....

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