Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sick day...

We picked up the lil-Angel yesterday and she wasn't feeling well... They said she wasn't feverish or anything... I felt her and she was burning up... So... she is at home today with a 102.5 fever... Luckily, Stormii decided to stay home with her. I hate it when she's sick. It tears me up knowing there isn't too much I can do other that make her comfortable and give her medicine... I want to grab her and take it all away.... There's nothing worse than watching someone you love suffer.


JOE B said...

Right there with you, my friend. Nothing hurts me worse than watching my kids while they are hurting.
Joe B

Bobbi Salas said...

So frustrating when the kids are sick isn't it? My grandson has been fighting off a cold this week, so I understand. I almost cried yesterday when he woke up crying mom in his squeaky little voice. My thoughts are with you.

Bar L. said...

Ain't that the truth! I can't STAND it when my son is sick. It would tear me up too and luckily my employers agree that family comes first so I could stay home with him. I said a prayer for your little Angel!

Beanhead said...

Aww hope your baby is feeling better soon.

xtessa said...

amen, guppy. amen.

"Jet" said...

Last comment, I promise!!

I hope the little one is feeling better!!


carmilevy said...

I so hear you, and hope her temp's down today.

Maybe if you let her play with your new toy...