Yea Janelle!!! I was worried that you wouldn't get the HOH... But you pulled thru!!!! Little cum guzzler threw the key rather than handing it to you.... Little did she know she was about to be on the block!
Tonight kicked ass! Janelle had the most classic look on her face as she told jennifer and Maggie they were up on the block... And then when she told them bye bye bitches!!!!!!! Woooohoooooo!!!!!
And even if one of them gets a veto... you still can't go wrong... Ivette or April could easily take their place.... Hell... I'd even be happy to see worthless little Beau go on Saturday!
I'm glad too, but did you notice how, right before Julie announced that Janelle won, she told Janelle that her card was upside down...I could have sworn Janelle's number was 300 in flowery looking numbers...yet when the camera came back to her, 275 was written very sloppily on the card. Julie also paused for quite a long time before giving her the win. Very odd...very odd indeed.
I noticed that.... but the whole time she had the upside down 300, she was writing on the other side. Had April not taken so long, Janelle wouldn't have had the chance to make a different choice.
For the moment James has become irrelevant, unleast until he wins HoH again. for both sides this is about payback and paybacks a Jennifer.
LOL @ Brent McKee!! Paybacks a Jennifer. :) I think that is my new favorite phrase!! :)
The whole Janelle changed her number doesn't matter...APRIL was still writing her number when Janelle was writing her new number. She did NOT cheat!
I didn't like Janelle in the beginning, but now...YOU GO GIRL!!
"Little cum guzzler"? Well, now there's a descriptive phrase!!! LOL
I love her!! I am soooo excited for tonight:)
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