Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Random thoughts....

Need a Gmail account? I have 48 invites to give out.... Leave me a comment requesting one and it's yours. Yesterday during lunch, I went home and let the dog out... I opened up the back door and she started to go- about that time I noticed a huge orange truck parked behind my fence... I noticed my back gate wide open... And I noticed a guy sleeping in the middle of my back yard. He's very lucky I noticed all of this quickly because I had time to reach out and grab Daizii by her collar.... She was not happy that someone was in her backyard! I'm sure had I let her go the sleeping guy would have shit himself when 100 pounds of pissed off lab woke him up... They were out there trimming the tress away from the power lines. One of my trees is now a trunk with two whole branches coming off of it! It looks pathetic. Had I known how much they were going to be cutting back, I would have had them take the tree down (It's a tallow- friggin weed). Anyway... Luckily they didn't cut too much of my oaks... Here's a few links that the guinea pigs haven't posted... Enjoy! Dukes of Holland Real names of the stars Pregnant Britney Determination Stash of pot found in minivan auctioned by sheriff This guy needs a date


Bridget Unnel said...

Was the sleeping man nekkid?

True Jersey Girl said...

Ew. I don't know why, but I just had to look at thge Britney pics. What a cow. I am sorry, but she looks really gross. Am I alone in thinking that she needs to cover up?

Cheryl said...

Oh my grief - I cannot believe I played 'Dress Tom'.
Thanks for dropping by my blog and boy do you pick up some weird links!

Denise B. said...

Hm....the new site isn't showing up so great for me...just thought you might want to know.

And...what is the benefit to a Gmail account? tell me, maybe you'll convince me.