Friday, June 09, 2006
I'm fed up....
All week, Blogger has been having issues. I'll post something, it'll work fine for a little while.... Then I'll start noticing that I can't get to my page. Or if I can, the comments aren't working. A bunch of folks can't upload pictures. The whole thing has been nothing but a big ol' mess.
Blogger's status page happens to be a blog hosted on.... you guessed it... Blogger. There's something that makes sense! They have problems, and you can't get to their blog to know what they are because the friggin system is down. But even if you could get there, you wouldn't get any information anyway... They don't bother updating the site until after they fixed something, and even then, they don't really give you a clue what has been happening anyways...
I've been playing around with wordpress a little. Checking out a freebie account seeing what I can do with it. I'm not happy with the freebie stuff i've found so far though.... I don't have the control over things like my template that I have become so used to. So I started thinking.... My birthday is next month. Why not ask for a domain and hosting for my birthday? That would solve so many issues... I could run wordpress on my own domain and probably stay a lot happier with the whole blog thing. Plus, I could branch out into a few other areas that I've been wanting to anyways. And I could host my wife's and my mom's blogs too...
So look for big changes soon... I want off of blogger badly. I'm so sick of wondering if it'll work today. I'm sick of wasting credits on traffic exchanges for a page nobody can get to... I'm ready to grow up, embrace my inner geek, and start my own space on the net.
*************NOTE********* It looks like Blogger is still screwed this morning too... When i wrote this, there were nice pretty breaks and seperate paragraphs.... when I posted, I looked and I have one huge jumble of text.... Go figure!?!
Blogger's status page happens to be a blog hosted on.... you guessed it... Blogger. There's something that makes sense! They have problems, and you can't get to their blog to know what they are because the friggin system is down. But even if you could get there, you wouldn't get any information anyway... They don't bother updating the site until after they fixed something, and even then, they don't really give you a clue what has been happening anyways...
I've been playing around with wordpress a little. Checking out a freebie account seeing what I can do with it. I'm not happy with the freebie stuff i've found so far though.... I don't have the control over things like my template that I have become so used to. So I started thinking.... My birthday is next month. Why not ask for a domain and hosting for my birthday? That would solve so many issues... I could run wordpress on my own domain and probably stay a lot happier with the whole blog thing. Plus, I could branch out into a few other areas that I've been wanting to anyways. And I could host my wife's and my mom's blogs too...
So look for big changes soon... I want off of blogger badly. I'm so sick of wondering if it'll work today. I'm sick of wasting credits on traffic exchanges for a page nobody can get to... I'm ready to grow up, embrace my inner geek, and start my own space on the net.
*************NOTE********* It looks like Blogger is still screwed this morning too... When i wrote this, there were nice pretty breaks and seperate paragraphs.... when I posted, I looked and I have one huge jumble of text.... Go figure!?!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Public service announcement
The two most common searches that bring people to my site...
Pringles - Everlasting love commercial
I'm sorry folks. I don't know why so many people search for this. I don't know why Google has decided that since I mentioned Survivor seems like a Pringles commercial and Somebody sang the song Everlasting Love on American Idol on the same post a long long time ago... I don't know why you think you may find the video here. It's not going to happen. I don't like the song. I don't like commercials. I don't know where you can find the video. I don't care. Go away.
55 gallon aquarium stand plans
This one I can help you with. I posted about the stand that I built back in January of 2005. I linked to a guy that has some great plans. I am very happy with the tank stand. Build it and enjoy!
Lately I've been getting hits for Ephedramax too.... I mentioned that in one of my spam posts.... Nope folks... I ain't got any. I can forward you some e-mails from folks who claim to have plenty at good prices though....
It's sad.... I get these same old keyword hits... Throw in guppy and guppyman, and that pretty much covers my regular search engine hits. I don't get any of the cool stuff like "Big Breasted Hot Mamas" or "Pregnant Goat Videos". None of the good stuff I see so many people get.... I guess I'm boring or something....
Oh well... Hope you folks find your Pringles song... or not. I don't care either way...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Blogger issues... Bored on a Tuesday....
******NOTE - If you are here from radio opensource- I have a new blog... Blogger got to be too much for me to deal with... Visit me here*****
I have no clue what Blogger has been up to... Their picture hosting seems to have gone nuts the last few days, and yesterday I had trouble even getting my page to come up.... I guess I can't complain too much... It's free, right?
So today I was trying to figure out something to post. I hate when I just sit on the same post for days at a time. Yeah... I like the last group of pictures, but I need something fresh.... But I hate posting just for the sake of posting. Where is the fun in that? So I decided to grab a few pics that I originally stuck on an anonymous blog I started and gave up on....
Speaking of giving up on blogs.... I had a great time when I started Diary of a Lesbian Guinea Pig... I have guinea pigs that for some reason have decided that girls are their thing. At first, it was so easy.... I had all kinds of ideas on things to post. The first series of posts was great fun... But then it hit bottom. I mean... how much can you post about creatures who sit in a cage and eat, poop and sleep 24/7...? I wish the creative juices had kept flowing for that one, and I keep hoping the spark will come back... but so far it just sits there... Waiting... Hoping I'll come back and figure out how to keep it interesting... We'll see if it ever happens...
Anyway... Enjoy these pictures...
I went outside to check the mail... When I came back in, I heard a semi-scream from my wife... "Get it, get it!" I'm like... "get what"? She says "the lizard that is over here terrorizing me!"
So I go and chase this little guy around... Carefully keeping my body between him and my dogs (who would love a snack)... I finally catch hime and take him outside...
He was so grateful, he posed for a bunch of pictures for me!
So tell me.... Would this scare you?
And just for grins.... Here's a few passion flowers I gave my mom a few years ago... The vine looks great now!

Sunday, June 04, 2006
After the storm.....
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
What are you people..... Nuts?
I logged into Blogmad earlier and saw this:
Wow... you people are crazy... that's all I have to say about it...

Thursday, June 01, 2006
Thursday rambling....
I debated doing a Thursday Thirteen, but decided against it. I love the traffic that comes by because of it, but I hate writing 13 things out.... so today, I think I'll pass....
Instead, you get the privledge of reading some random thoughts that I have...
Tuesday, I was waiting for the Astros game to come on, so I decided to watch a little of the White Sox/Indians game.... Some guy hit a 2 run homer... the ball bounced just above the yellow line and back onto the field... I looked in the crowd... Did I just see what I thought I just saw? Let me hit rewind... OMG... yes I did. Let me hit rewind, and go through in slow-motion... frame by frame... Too funny! Some guy turned to what I assume is his girlfriend and grabbed her boobs. He waited until he knew he'd be on national television and felt her up while he was there.... She smiled... Too funny. I tried to get the video of this, but the only one I can find is so small you can't make out what is going on. If anybody has a source for good quality video of this, let me know... Girl is blonde with a blue shirt on... she's pretty easy to see in the crowd.
I have noticed a lot of blogs by gay folks. I have no problem with that, but some of them have me wondering. Some seem to be out there for the sole purpose of blogging about being gay. Why? What is the point? If that's who you are, fine... but does who you sleep with define you to the point that it's the only thing you have worthy of talking about? I debated trying to put together a "Heterosexual Man's" blog that discussed being straight, but I wouldn't know where to begin. It's who I am... it's not the "Be all, end all" of my existence. Maybe I just don't get it? It reminds me too much of when Ellen came out. She had a semi-funny show, but once she came out, every joke she had from there forward was about being gay. Why? Is there some super-secret gay thing that I don't get to know about that makes being gay the only subject worthy of talking about to you? Is there a certain level of gayness that you are trying to achieve by speaking about nothing but gayness in public? Do you earn brownie points or something?
Another thing that has me wondering is self proclaimed blog critics. Or folks who decide to let everybody know what not to do on your blog. Some don't like "mommy blogs", or "Religious blogs". Some don't like "political blogs" or "sports blogs". Most claim to have this vast knowledge of all things technical, but for some reason, they haven't discovered that a browser window has a little 'X' in the top right corner. Folks.... move on... Don't like what somebody has to say, go somewhere else. Don't like the template somebody used? surf away.... There are millions of blogs out there folks! Just because you see the same ones over and over you seem to think you are now some kind of authority on them? Maybe your traffic exchange is limiting you a little too much... Branch out and go see what else is out there... eventually, you may even find the blogs you are looking for. The only thing I'd agree with you on is auto-play... There is a feature that I think should be banned from the Internet- not just blogs. But guess what..? I hit pages with it, I move on. I block them from my surf rotation at traffic exchange sites, and I don't worry about them anymore. Get over it people...
I just looked up and saw this was getting to be longer than I wanted, so I'll stop now... Have a great week everybody... Sorry to skip the 13, but I just wasn't in the mood.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
New template
I think I am happy with the new look.
I know.... some of you miss my guppies... so here ya go:
Anyway... I'll be working on this template and tweaking it to get exactly what I want from it. This morning, I taught myself how to do the drop-down list for my blogroll, and I added some stuff to the sidebar...
I think the biggest change I made was dropping the "Rant Zone" from my title... I mean... really... What exactly did I rant about? When I created my blog in the first place, I figured I would talk politics... That's where I kept hearing about blogs... I really had no clue what they were. So I figured I'd use it as a place to blow off steam after arguing in circles with people on political message boards. I grew very bored with the arguments around the same time i created my blog, so there really isn't much ranting to do now....
So I'll just be guppyman.
That works.
Anyway... Thanks for the positive response to the change... Eventually I'll get this page to look just how I want it (and then I'll probably get bored and change it again).

Monday, May 29, 2006
Thank You....
Reposted from last year- The thoughts are still the same....
Thank You!
I would like to take the time today to thank every soldier who has put his/her life on the line for my freedom. Your sacrifices have allowed us all to enjoy this life which we hold most precious.... I am at a loss for words really...

So Thank You
You make me

Sunday, May 28, 2006
Are you scared?
I got bored with my template....
So I changed it to this one.... I still have a lot of work to do to get everything just right and how I like it, but I decided to see what I think of this for a few days before I go to too much trouble....
So... what do you think?
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Red White & Blue

Grab the Photo Hunt code. Join the blogroll. Visit participants.

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Thursday Thirteen

1. Congrats to Taylor Hicks for becoming the new American Idol. 2. I didn't think it would happen. I like Taylor, but where is his music going to find airtime? Where do you listen to new stuff from Michael McDonald or Joe Cocker anyways...? 3. Toni Braxton trying to get Taylor to feel her up last night.... Too funny! 4. The Clay-gasm that boy had when Clay walked out on stage was hilarious! 5. Another funny part... They didn't give Pickler her own song to sing! Unfortunately, they did give her a bunch of airtime though. 6. All of them sounded so much better last night than they ever did on the show. I guess not having the pressure on you anymore does a lot for vocals... 7. Vote for the Worst is claiming victory. I'm not so sure I'd call it that... When they failed to keep Brenna in even with votes splitting all those different ways, I started questioning their ability to affect the votes at all... 8. It is funny that the guy who won was one Simon said would never even make it to Hollywood. 9. Meatloaf looked pathetic last night. 10. So did Ms. Psycho Friends Network 11. My favorite parts of American Idol are the cheesy ones. The Ford commercials, the group songs... the ones that make the people feel like they are so out of place it's unreal... those are some classic moments. 12. But I hate the songs they write for the winners (or second place folks) Have you heard the crap Bo is putting out? OMG... that sucks so badly it's painful... 13. What's next.... Big Brother? Can't wait for it to start now....
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Wanna go camping....?

Monday, May 22, 2006
Conversation with a spammer....
I'm sure some of you have seen my spam posts... Usually, I just make fun of them, but today... i thought I'd try something different. I decided to hold a conversation with my spammer and see what road it may lead down.... you be the judge....
the secret med men use
Oh... what is this secret med men use oh wise and wonderful e-mail spammer???
Could it maybe be one of these?
Re: test VALLtwUM
Re: test VbtAGGRA
Re: test CktALLlS
Re: test VtAGGsRA
Re: test VtAGiGRA
Re: test VtzAGGRA
Re: test AMBBtExN
Re: test AMBBtEsN
Re: test VALLtUoM
Re: test VALeLtUM
Re: test AMoBBtEN
Re: test VALLatUM
Re: Prescriptions Written and Filled Online for any Medicine You Want. Overnight Shipping.
Apparently it's not a big secret... Everybody seems to want to tell me about them.... But since you brought it up... how much is it?
pay 2,50$ for v,iagra
That is a most confusing price, but since I don't need em anyway... what else do you have for me today?
Fw: qsizbmebmpu rbwzbwria mxnwkasd kqgcjfbjyaz qkgrwpswxfu qsliov qnvznad nrilkfejn !!
Ummmmm... OK... I see that is importanat, but you seem to have some kind of typing impediment... Have you been kidnapped and your fingers are tied up or something? This is even worse typing than trying to sell me VtzAGGRA....
Re: Your crdit
RE: Your creddt
Your credit
I thought you were trying to sell me drugs... now we're going to discuss my credit? BTW- It's nice to see you finally invested in a spell checker....
I test these p1lls it's amazing!
Ahhhhh... Now I get it... those must be some pretty amazing pills... They apparently work on the part of your brain that controls spelling...?
Urgent Notification #54721395929728
Your account #96069539
Hey... that's pretty impressive... you threw some random numbers up behind your message... But I don't have an account #96069539....
You're leaving already? You just got here... I was enjoying your company....
That's better. So what are you up to today?
fsleep oon dustpan
Oh really... I hate when I fsleep oon dustpan...
All products for your health!
I thought we were past all this medicine talk...
Re: EphedraMax is in the news today...
Breaking news: Ephedra legal again
Increase your energy levels
You have a drug problem, don't you?
Any med for your girl to be happy!
Hey now... my girl is happy. She doesn't need your pill pushing to get her that way....
Re: bakuyy news
RE: G59
Now you are just making up gibberish, aren't you?
You got some time
Yeah, but I'm running out of patience...
Our store is your cureall!
What the Hell is a careall????
You have Won!
Ok.... I'm bored with you now... Time for me to end this conversation... Bye bye...
how everyone
By hitting my delete key... just like I'm doing now.....
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Photo Scavenger Hunt - Flowers

Grab the Photo Hunt code. Join the blogroll. Visit participants.
Here is a collage of flowers from last year. I loved the way this pic came together- It's worth it to click and view the full sized image....

Friday, May 19, 2006
Quick question.....
My wife was just telling me she and some friends at her work would like to start their own buisness and leave the whole working for someone else thing behind... This is something I have always wanted to do also, but I never have found out just how to go about doing it. If I had my choice, I'd build things (like the stuff in my Thursday Thirteen) and sell them full time...
Anybody out there ever go out on your own and start your own buisness? How did you go about it? Was it worth it? Have any tips or advice on getting started?
I wonder if I'd have the courage to really do it. I'd have to see the income coming in steadily before I'd ever leave the job I have behind... I think my biggest problem with doing it right now is that I just have no clue where I could sell what I can build. If I could get that part figured out... who knows?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Thursday Thirteen

1. Let's start with the scrapbooking desk I built for my wife. Excuse the mess, I took this pic right after I installed the shelves before she had a chance to get it all organized....

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Yeah- I'm cool now!
6th grade- I had made it out of elementary school... I was older- I was cool... And there they were... sitting down on a storm drain by the creek ouside the school. there are the cool kids- They smoke, they cuss, they get high, etc... There's the folks I want to hang out with. So I did. 11 years old and I started smoking... Pretty much just to fit in with the cool kids...
By 14, I was smoking a few packs a day... Marlboro reds... Chain smoking... Look at me folks... I'm cool now!
I smoked between 1 and 3 packs a day (I quit a few times, the longest period was about 9 months) for 22 years. Holy shit... 22 years of being a smoker. I've smoked over 150,000 cigarettes! How crazy is that? No telling how much I've spent- Prices crept up during those years from under a buck to over $3 a pack... I'd estimate somewhere between $15,000 & $50,000. Yep... I'm cool.
Today is my 17th day without smoking.
I made a bunch of excuses as to why I needed to smoke just a little longer... the last one I had was Stormii's surgery. After that one, how could I say anything was so major that I really needed to smoke anymore?
God is good. I have not cheated once this time around. Previously, I have done cool things like put on a patch and then just take a drag here and there, or even cooler, put one on in the morning, rip it off at lunch time and then smoke for the rest of the day. Nothing like a small overdose of nicotine to make you feel like the coolest guy around!
Sick? Can barely breathe? Feel like you're gonna cough up a lung at any second? I betcha a cigarette would make that feel better... let's get up and drag that ass outside and smoke one... hell it was so hard to get here, might as well make it two. Been there....
The sad part? I haven't had one in over two weeks... But I still want one just as bad now as two weeks ago. And I know exactly how I'd feel if I smoked one. I'd have the headache from hell... I'd get naseous, I'd want to pass out... But that coolness- yeah... it's a powerful draw! Thankfully, by the Grace of God- I have stayed uncool for now... I have resisted the temptation...
Sure... I flick my imaginary cigarette mindlessly while waiting for the light to turn green... I inhale deeply getting that first drag off my pen while sitting at my desk at work.... I make some extra trips to the snack machine during the day too...
But I'm not smoking.
Probably the hardest thing in the world to do...
Anyway, enough ranting about that... Here's a little something I found while looking for motivation...
Within 20 minutes after you smoke that last cigarette, your body begins a series of changes that continue for years.
20 Minutes After Quitting
Your heart rate drops.
12 hours After Quitting
Carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.
2 Weeks to 3 Months After Quitting
Your heart attack risk begins to drop.
Your lung function begins to improve.
1 to 9 Months After Quitting
Your Coughing and shortness of breath decrease.
1 Year After Quitting
Your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker’s.
5 Years After Quitting
Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker’s 5-15 years after quitting.
10 Years After Quitting
Your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker’s.
Your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.
15 Years After Quitting
Your risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a nonsmoker’s.
Interesting tidbit.... This is my 500th post! Woohoo for me. So maybe i am cool now, even without the whole smoking thing...

Survivor is over....
Well... that's it... Survivor ended last night... Here's my season finale wrap-up...
First up, 10 minutes of what we've already seen... Time to go do something else for awhile and then watch it all on the DVR....
Oh yeah... the fire challenge... Last week Danielle & Cirie tied in the votes, so they have to build a fire and burn a rope with it... Both get fires, but Danille nurtures heres enough to actually burn something with it... Cirie goes home...
Next day, terry shows off his immunity idol that he had the whole time... then they get into a fishing competition- and they make me wonder... where'd they get the spear??? Didn't Sally lose the fishing spear the first time it got taken out? Where did this one come from? How much off camera babying do these people get anyway?
Survivors must race to the top of a three-story climbing wall using four individually-shaped pegs. First, they must make their way through a table maze. Once at the end of the maze, each will release a bag containing their first two pegs and move to a spinning wheel. Reading the clues, each must spin the wheel clockwise, counter-clockwise, and clockwise again like a combination lock to find the one bag that contains their final two pegs. With the help of the pegs, the players must get to the top of the wall and place their pegs in the proper slots, which will raise a flag. The first person to raise their flag wins the Reward: a high-protein meal and a cot to take back to camp. This Reward will give the winner a huge advantage in the upcoming Immunity Challenge.
Aras is in the lead almost all the way though this, but screws up while climbing the wall- He actually got real lucky, he fell at one point and got caught by his shirt on a peg... if he had gone down, it wouldn't have ended as close as it did...
Anyway, Terry wins reward and gets a good meal and a cot to sleep on...
Next is the most boring part of every season... They get to go "reflect" on all the also-rans that got kicked out earlier... Fast-forward up until they set the skull on exile island on fire, and then get dissapointed by even that... I want a raging inferno... maybe some explosives thrown in or something... but it just burns... I did notice they burned all the torches this time... I guess they didn't want some fisherman finding them and selling them on E-bay this time...?
Starting on the largest of a series of floating platforms, every fifteen minutes the Final Three will move to the next smaller platform. As the platforms get smaller, it will get tougher for the Survivors to maintain their balance. Only their feet can touch the platform. If their hands touch the platform or they fall off, they are eliminated. The last person standing wins Immunity and a guaranteed slot in the Final Two.
All is well until the third platform... Terry never gets his balance and falls in, and Danielle nods to Aras with one of those "I got yer back" type nods and Aras goes swimming too... Danielle wins immunity...
They both try to plaed their case to Danielle, but she decides she has a better chance beating Aras than Terry... little did she know that either way she was doomed...
When Danielle and Aras wake up, they find eggs, bacon, pancake batter, fruit, orange juice and champagne... They eat and then take a walk with their champagne... Buzzed off girlie drinks, they decide to walk out on the slippery rocks... and Aras goes down hard! Glass shatters and stabs him in the back and hand... Ouch! That looks painful.. He pulls a huge shard out of his back- he's lucky he didn't do more damage than he did... The medics come out and stitch him back together- so now Aras has the drunk stupid sympathy vote too...
at the final tribal council... we hope for the spirit of Sue Hawk to take over somebody and have them blast the final two, but it never really happens... Pretty boring question and answer session followed by the vote...
Then Jeff just walks off set and walks into the studio... Dang it Jeff... we want helicopters! We want jet skis! We want the big cheesefest that shows you coming back to the states with the votes!
Anyway- he reads the votes, and Aras wins. yippee.
Is it just me, or is Survivor getting more and more boring all the time? Anyway... That's a wrap...
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Hey Mom....
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