Monday, May 08, 2006

I wonder if they meant to do this...?

MSNBC made my morning today.... I was glancing through their headlines and I came across a link that said the following: WP: Confident Democrats lay out agenda Hey... I've been looking for that for years now! Great, a story that will finally explain it! Yay! Here's what I got when I clicked the link... Somehow I knew....


Angie said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha...


Jen said...

Too funny!!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Ha Ha Ha Too good to be true, huh?

Here from Michele's Alphabet Game today!

clunygrey said...

Hi! Guppyman!
I'm glad that you don't mind that I used your picture, but I'm a bit concerned because I didn't know it was your picture! If I had, I would have asked for your permisssion, and then put your name under it. I just had a site hijack some of my jewelry photos of original work and put them on the first page of their website - I had them taken off. That may be different, but my point is that I think I got that photo on one of the free photo thingys on the web somewhere.
I will give you credit - is Guppyman okay?

Unknown said...

What picture? Now I am curious... in any case, that link is hilarous! I call it an easter egg!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this always the think you have found it.
I found a great bumper sticker the other day: "Embarrassed by Bush"