Sunday, September 04, 2005


Let's see.... We start off with Bleau and Evilette on the chopping block... Howie is HOH! Howie gets the best HOH stuff ever- two lightsabers! Damn... I want some of those! Friggin' cool! Anyway.... They bring in the most annoying contestant ever on Big Brother (after the friendship of course) to host the veto game.... How life would have been better had I just forgotten about Holly..... Anyway... Maggot ends up winning POV... Ivette is working her to use it and put Yap-ril up, and for awhile, it looks like she might just do it.... But she doesn't and Bleau gets voted out! So we get a new HOH competition and Evilette wins.... The sound of millions of people screaming "SHIT" at their TV sets in unison disturbs the major fault lines in California, causing massive earthquakes that turn Nevada into beach front property! The gates of Hell have opened, and the Evil One is now in charge of the Big Brother house.....


xtessa said...

AHAHAHAHAHA!!! hilarious, guppy...

do i hear the ratings of BB6 just go ker-plunk?!;)

millennium hippies said...

LOL that's funny! Yeah that TOTALLY sucks that ivette got HOH. i am so sick of watching her cry. omg...holly!?!? this is the first season of BB that i have ever watched. listening to holly speak felt like acid was being poured into my body. i could never have watched her on a show.

Angie said...

Amen, brother! :)

Holly is the reason why my blog post was titled " bleeding ears"

smizzo said...

Why, just WHY did they evict Beau over Ivette? Ugh, I'm so miserable!!!!