Monday, July 18, 2005

Happy Monday....

After a few days vacationing.... I had to catch up on all the things I missed out on that interent thingy.... Here are a few that caught my eye.... First off, I am more convinced than ever that the big earthquake is coming and California will soon fall into the sea.... Thanks to this story about the price of a mobile home.... On top of the 1.4 million price tag, they still have to pay rent for the lot- about 2700 bucks a month!!!! Friggin idiots!!!!!! Im'a headid down to the Wal-marts to see if I can find me a date! You think sis will be there? Not the best day on the railroad Ok... It was cute for awhile... But Britney... I really think we've seen enough! I'm sure there's more out there, but it can wait.... Hope everyone is having a good day.


True Jersey Girl said...

The funniest part about the Britney article is where they call her show a "hit"!!! I mean really, what, do 5 whole people watch that crap???

xtessa said...

okay, i didn't know what was more disturbing, the train or britney?!!! i mean, c'mon!